Add a screenshot to a OneNote page
Attempt #1
From Ayuba Audu (PM on OneNote).
Dead-end, unfortunately, because the sample is based on “app-only” authentication.
Attempt #2
All requests to Microsoft Graph require an authenticated context, either delegated or app-only. Delegated is a union of the logged-in user’s context along with the application’s context. App-only (as the name implies) is only the application’s context without any user involvement. Source
Our tenant does not allow that kind of delegation (which makes sense).
There are 2 primary authentication flows against Azure Active Directory:
On behalf of user: Also called delegated or app + user
Application: Also called app-only
Let’s see if we can make “app+user” work.
MSAL and the Azure AD v2 endpoint are the go-forward direction (see Future state below) and as such we recommend you start there. Source
MS Graph documentation
If it’s a .NET Core application and you agree to have the authentication interaction with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) happen in the system browser.
Another sample: https://developermessaging.azurewebsites.net/2019/10/07/msal-basics-a-guide-to-azure-ads-authentication-library/
And another sample that actually works, for device flow only, only for MSA https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/tutorials/dotnet-core
Needed to make changes to not only enable device auth flow:
_msalClient = PublicClientApplicationBuilder .Create(appId) .WithRedirectUri(“http://localhost:1235”)
var result = await _msalClient.AcquireTokenInteractive(_scopes).ExecuteAsync();
Also changed the scopes to allow AAD account to work. Didn’t success
Attempt 3: use classis Visual Studio and regular .Net
Sample “just works” https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/quickstart-v2-windows-desktop
Where do I configure access permissions for “a25fca57-04c5-478f-b06d-a233e7f05f99” https://aad.portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_IAM/ManagedAppMenuBlade/Overview/appId/a25fca57-04c5-478f-b06d-a233e7f05f99/objectId/8b724205-f5b9-4fe1-85c0-ac854d41226a Or better: https://aad.portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_RegisteredApps/ApplicationsListBlade
Attempt November
Found test cases: https://github.com/microsoftgraph/msgraph-sdk-dotnet/blob/9304c33cfc771fe099ad00713899e6ff338781a7/tests/Microsoft.Graph.Test/Requests/Functional/OneNoteTests.cs
Found specific issue: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47677918/patch-existing-onenote-page-by-appending-binary-image-content